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Certified PreK-6. Masters in Child Development. Advocate for play, teacher & children choice, & the family's voice. Believe in volunteering as social justice.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Before the School Day Begins: #Kinderchat Blog Challenge, Day 9

Today's #Kinderchat Blog Challenge asks us to share our morning...before we go to school.

My typical school day starts early....alarm goes off at 5:30. (Yes, unfortunately you read that right.)

I'm out of the house by 6:30 so that I can walk the 15-20 minutes to the commuter train. On that train for 20 minutes.  Fortunately the train station is next to Starbucks.  Walk another 10 minutes to school.

At school by 7:30. Depending on the day I have a varying amount of set up to do.  Mondays mean setting up the studio for 2 or 3 classes and their particular projects or setting up the studio for a parent-child exploration day.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays mean getting the studio turned around so I can teach  small group of 2 year olds in it.  Thursdays and Fridays mean transforming the young 3's room into a space for my larger group of young 2s to have class.  There's a lot of running around and setting materials up in an inviting manner.

By 8:20 it's a quick trip to the coffee maker, a check in with either my co-teacher or the other teachers,  a check in with the office manage to see if any children are going to be out for the day, a "fight" for a turn to use the ONE grown up restroom (another teacher and I crack up because it's usually one of us waiting on the other) and then it's off to carpool line by 8:45 to greet the children and families.

 (This is why it takes so long to set up the room each day...)

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