Today's prompt for the
#kinderchat blog challenge is to write about one resolution we have for the year.
I saw this penguin staring down a rubber duck at the aquarium. I love his confidence and the fact that he's not backing down. |
I'm not one for rash resolutions just because it's the new year; but I am for creating change, reflection and continued improvement. There are several things that I have recently begun or am planning to start/get back into, but ultimately they all contribute to my one resolution, something that I have been reflecting on and working upon for the past year.
This year, I am resolving to try to be confident.
I'm hoping to do this in ways both big and small that add up to me beginning to trust myself and my decisions and not to agonize over every choice after the fact. Change doesn't come suddenly, it takes work and reflection and messing up and trying again. I know that there is a lot of work I need to do with the taking care of me; to begin I am going to (try) to stop apologizing for things that don't need an apology because I'm quite guilty of saying "I'm sorry" when someone else bumps into me or when someone is angry near me or.....the list is embarrassingly long. I'm also going to try to be more confident in my casual, day to day interactions with people. Like many people, I am not overly happy with my physical appearance and, as a result, I often look down when walking down the street or display nervous body postures when talking to those I don't know well-all of which come across as slightly aloof, not a reflection I want to give.
As I work hard to show better confidence in small ways, I also want to work on my professional confidence. In a detached way, I know that I understand child development and working with families and young children deeply and am able to apply this understanding in my work and in professional conversations. But, in the day to day, I second guess myself constantly. Especially when confronted. On a practical level, I need to be more confident in what I know and do so that the families I work with are able to feel secure in our relationships. On a professional level, confidence in my knowledge and practice is necessary for the eventual direction I want to take in the field of early childhood care and education. On a political level, teachers of young children need to be confident in what we do in a way that allows us to defend play, children and families, and our profession.
This is my resolution for change. One I hope is realistic and one I know will be a lot of hard work.